What's holding you back?
Chances are, you probably don't even know.
When people come to me for help, they feel stuck in some way. They tell me they know they deserve love and the best that life can be. Yet, it seems so hard to actually have and live the life of their dreams.
Many times my clients can't even express what their dreams are because they're caught up in an old script playing out day after day.
"I'm doing all the right things--why is it so hard?"
If you're like me, you've asked yourself this question more times than you can count and came up empty. No matter how many books I read or positive affirmations I recited, at the end of the day, I was mostly back to square one. It didn't make any sense.
So I started digging really deep. I wanted answers. I wanted to truly change my life. There seemed to be some door locked tight, shutting me out of life's good things, peace, joy and happiness.
Then one day, something clicked. Like a stubborn key finally releasing a lock, I learned about the subconscious mind and the paradigms controlling us that we don't even realize are there.